Affordable Housing Toolkit (PDF)
The Centre County Comprehensive Plan has set a goal for housing in Centre County to ensure decent, safe, sanitary and affordable housing which is in suitable living surroundings and compatible with the natural environment, for every individual, regardless of age, sex, income, religious or ethnic background. The Centre County Affordable Housing Coalition has prepared a document to assist municipal officials and developers in providing affordable housing options in the community.
Consolidated Plan
The Borough completes a Consolidated Plan to assess the areas affordable housing and community development needs and market conditions, and to make data-driven, place-based investment decisions. The consolidated planning process serves as the framework for a community-wide dialogue to identify housing and community development priorities.
Fair Housing Analysis Update (PDF)
In 1991 a Fair Housing Analysis was completed for the Borough. Housing and Urban Development recommends communities update their analysis when the five-year Consolidated Plan is written. State College Borough completed it's last analysis in 2009.
Housing Services in Centre County (PDF)
A Guide to Emergency, Transitional and Permanent Affordable Housing from the Centre County Affordable Housing Coalition (First Edition, 2013).