Types of Permits
Carports & Garages
Private garages and carports for 1-family homes may not exceed storage capacity for three vehicles. For 2-family homes or duplexes, these areas may not exceed the storage capacity for four vehicles. View more garage and carport requirements.
Conditional Use Permit
A conditional use is a use that may be suitable in certain locations within a zoning district when prescribed conditions are met. Conditional uses are applied to motor-vehicle-oriented businesses, adult businesses, public service facilities, and elderly housing developments.
Driveways & Curb Cuts
View the relevant guidelines and applications for new driveways, curb cuts, parking areas, and driveway resurfacing/repair.
Garden & Storage Sheds
Storage or garden sheds are considered to be accessory buildings. Find out how to apply for a permit to construct these sheds.
Zoning Permit
Zoning permits are required prior to the erection, alteration, demolition, or construction of any structure requiring a building permit. View other zoning permit guidelines and find out how to apply.